Month: October 2022
Wasps come in a wide variety of morphologies, and Tennessee is home to many of them. Certain species are classified as solitary wasps, and these wasps are capable of stinging humans. In most cases, however, they use their stingers for hunting other kinds of insects.
On the other hand, social wasps will use their stingers to protect their nests against intruders. However, you still risk being stung if you wander too near a social wasp’s nest.
In Tennessee, some of the most common wasps that typically come in contact with humans include:
Paper Wasps
Paper wasps are classified as “vespid” wasps, meaning their diet consists of decomposing plant and wood fibers. They chew the material to generate pulp, which they then combine with their saliva to construct their nests. The paper-like consistency that the pulp acquires after it has been allowed to dry is where the term “paper wasp” originates from.
Because they tend to congregate in large groups, they become pretty hostile against anybody approaching their nests. They may have a variety of color combinations, ranging from red and yellow to yellow and black markings.
Tennessee is home to three different species of paper wasps, including:
* Polistes dorsalis
* Northern paper wasps
* Red paper wasps
* European paper wasps
Bald-Faced Hornets
Despite their peculiar nickname, bald-faced hornets are really classified as a species of wasp. In a manner similar to that of paper wasps, bald-faced hornets construct their nests out of a pulp that is created by mixing their saliva with wood fibers. They may be recognized by the ivory markings that are seen on their heads, abdomens, thoraxes, and legs.
If you bother bald-faced hornets or their nests, they will attack you several times, much like other social wasps. Bald-faced hornets are very aggressive insects. If you discover a bald-faced hornet’s nest on your property, you should get in touch with the Honor Guard Pest Control.
The nests of these pests may grow to be three times the size of a football, making it necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Yellow Jackets
Because of the distinctive pattern of yellow and black stripes on their abdomens, yellow jackets are among the most easily identified species of wasps. Their nests are usually built in the ground, although sometimes they use decaying wood. Many people who work in the field of pest control believe that yellowjackets are the most aggressive species of wasp.
Yellow jackets, unlike paper wasps, don’t have a very visible exterior that can be easily seen. Thus, it’s easy to stumble into one of them. When mowing your grass, you risk accidentally trampling on a nest of yellow jackets, which may be a very frightening experience.
Red Wasps
It is essential to pay extra attention to red wasps since they are an incredibly aggressive subspecies of paper wasps and should be treated with care. These wasps are red, as their name implies, and may grow to be as long as one inch in length. They congregate in large groups, similar to other types of social wasps, and make their nests in the shape of an inverted umbrella close to places that provide some cover.
Unfortunately, backyards, rooftops, and decks are among the most common places in Tennessee where red wasps choose to nest. They are also drawn to the jarring sounds, vibrant colors, and strong odors that people often produce. Furthermore, red wasps will be attracted to any leftover food from picnics and barbecues.
To recover your backyard from a red wasp nest, you may be inclined to do it on your own. However, because of their aggressive nature, it’s best to call the professionals and let them handle the problem. Keep in mind that the nests that red wasps construct are the most expansive within the wasp species.
Hence, if you see red wasps and think of removing them on your own, you may bite off more than you can chew.
Wrapping It All Up
Most wasp species are venomous. Once stung, the victim will often feel intense pain. Furthermore, you can expect inflammation and swelling around the sting site. It’s the reason why it’s essential to remove a wasp’s nest to minimize the risk of getting stung.
Because these insects are aggressive and can deliver a nasty sting, it’s best to call Honor Guard Pest and have them remove the problem. The professionals will have the knowledge and equipment to remove the nest and nullify the wasp threats safely. Hence, it’s best to contact Honor Guard Pest right now if you suspect you have a wasp problem.